Global Travel Assistance

Protect yourself and your loved ones anytime you travel 100 miles or more from home* with a global network of doctors, assistance personnel and emergency benefits. You’ll be safe and sound from air to ground.

*Home is defined as the address listed on member’s ID (Driver’s License or Passport)


Global Travel Assistance FAQ

How do I access the Global Travel Assistance Service?
Call the local or toll-free number on the back of your membership card and the My Benefits Work app and portal. 

When can I use the service?
Global Travel Assistance will help with any type of illness or injury, regardless of the severity, anytime you are traveling 100 miles or more from home.

Can my family members use Global Travel Assistance?
This service is available to you and your loved ones but does not cover those 81 and older unless referred to and agreed to by Global Travel Assistance before the person departs on their journey.

Are there any times Global Travel Assistance cannot help?
Global Travel Assistance cannot help you if you’re traveling against the advice of a physician, traveling to a country that is not deemed safe for travel, or need assistance related to a natural disaster.

How does Global Travel Assistance help find medical care?
When requested, Global Travel Assistance will provide referrals to pharmacies and medical, dental, and behavioral health professionals in the given geographic area. When possible, referrals will have Western-style medical facilities and English-speaking healthcare professionals.

Does Global Travel Assistance require that I go to certain hospitals, doctors, or clinics?
You should contact Global Travel Assistance before choosing a hospital so that we can refer you to facilities that we have previously worked with. If you go to other providers, we cannot be certain of the level of treatment. However, Global Travel Assistance will provide the same services regardless of where you are treated.

What happens in the event I am hospitalized?
Notify Global Travel Assistance as soon as possible. They will then monitor your care and work through the details of foreign hospitalizations. They will promptly speak with the treating doctor to assess your condition, treatment plans, and whether or not an evacuation is necessary. Global Travel Assistance will provide medical updates to anyone listed on your medical release as needed. Also, they will coordinate all insurance verifications and admission details.

What if the local facilities are not able to provide treatment?
If the treating medical facility is deemed inadequate, Global Travel Assistance will arrange and coordinate transportation to the nearest hospital where appropriate medical care is available.

Once I am released from the hospital, do the services end?
Global Travel Assistance helps you until you have returned home or have received final treatment.


"The number one consumer travel complaint during the holidays is a stolen wallet." SkyScanner, 2019

"The top five destination countries visited by U.S. residents in 2015 were: Mexico (28.7 million) and Canada (12.5 million), followed by the overseas countries of the United Kingdom (2.9 million), Dominican Republic (2.8 million) and France (2.4 million). " International Trade Administration, 2015

"The percentage of Americans who have a valid passport is about 42%." State Department, 2017